Monday, September 17, 2007

Dog and Butterfly

Second post in a row with no new photos, but I’m feeling obliged to update you on the many changes in my SLife.

The MOFSL experience seems to have collapsed before it ever really got started. When trying to find time for SL in a busy RL, it is counterproductive to contribute time and energy to a project which has nothing to give back. I simply do not have time to devote to projects to which I have no real connection. In other words, I need to have something to gain as a result of my work, and MOFSL did not provide any incentive for me.

Along those same lines, I am no longer a dancer. As much as I loved dancing, and as many new friends as I’ve made while doing it, there comes a time when it is time to move on.

No longer a fixture at Parrot Bay or Rumours, I am currently spending my time with the rudimentary tasks of starting a major business in SL. A long-time and very dear friend has hired me to design, open and manage a new venture in Second Life. Now, obviously, there are plenty of clubs in SL. In fact, several of my friends have opened clubs in the last week or so.

I am taking the time to conceive something unique, memorable and hopefully a cut above what has been done already. As of yet, I’ve still not decided on a name for it. I have a couple of strong possibilities. If any of you readers and friends have a brilliant suggestion you’d like to share with me, please IM me. I will compensate you for your contribution if it is used.

We have chosen and purchased land. We’ve purchased one building, an apartment complex, and I’m currently weighing options as far as the club build goes. The pre-fab builds in SL are varied and exciting but the task is daunting. So many builds that can be seen on the websites SLexchange and ShoponRezz cannot be seen inworld. I can’t choose something unless I can walk through it and experience it. That is my biggest obstacle at the moment, and one I hope to resolve within the next few days. Again, readers, I am open for suggestions and advice.

My old favorite Fantasy Forest is no more. It has been re-named Crimson something or other, and is quickly losing it’s status in my mind as the best sex hole in SL. I am now on a quest to either find a new best one, or create one with the project I’m working on. No more freelance dancing for me these days. However, you can be sure I will be dancing in the club I’m opening, if for no other reason than I enjoy the flirting and playing. I am missing it already.

Last but not least. I am now officially unattached in SL, which is a rather silly thing to say, as I was never officially attached. I still love Boog and he is still around here and there in my SLife, but I am establishing myself “officially” as a single entity. This has caused me no small amount of sadness, but I realize that some things are never meant to last forever. Some relationships can only go so far, and after a certain point is reached, there is nowhere else to go. I will continue to be here for him, and will always consider him a dear and cherished friend. There is a little part of my heart with his name etched on it forever.

More updates, my dear readers, as new developments unfold. Until then…

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Big Changes in the Future

Summer is over and I begin my third season in SL as autumn arrives in the US. I want to thank all the people who have visited my blog despite my infrequent updates. At the present time, things in SL are going along as they have been for weeks and weeks, but big changes are just around the corner. I'm not gonna tell you what they are just yet, you'll have to check back here to find out. (I'm a tease, remember?)

For now, I'm still dancing at Parrot Bay, Rumours on the weekend, and I've also started freelancing at Fantasy Forest, which is in my opinion, the best sex hole in SL. In fact, it is way beyond just a sex hole; it is a bottomless sex pit. Stop by and check it out, and check the dance poles to see if I'm on one.

Lorelei's Liaisons is growing quickly and now that the list is bigger than ten I will likely start sending out group notices more often letting the members know what is up and where I am.

I'll also be posting lots of pictures here soon, as well as on Flickr. More on that later too.

So, keep checking back and you will see the exciting new events that are about to happen in Lorelei's Slife.

Until then....

Monday, August 20, 2007

Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Boy

Boog is beautiful, bratty, brilliant and above all ridiculous. He is also my best friend and confidante in SL. He is my guy, and I love him dearly. Since he and I have been together I have seen so many SL "marriages" form and fail. Despite never making it "official", Boog and I are still together.

He inspires me, gets me thinking and makes me laugh so, that I can't imagine being in this world without him. I wear his collar and he holds my leash, and I'm very happy with it all.

Boog, this post is just for you. I hope you keep holding the chain to my heart for a long time. Thank you for all you do. Muah!!!

Lorelei Re-Invents Herself

One exciting bit of news is that in addition to my human Lorelei skin, which you’ve all seen here and there on the blog, and my neko-human hybrid skin, also seen a bit here, I’ve added a new look to my persona. This one is a Fire Elf, my own creation.

I started with a purchased Firebloom Drow skin, then added some other tidbits and twists, as well as a totally new shape and face which I created myself. I’ve enjoyed wearing this so much, despite the very shocked reactions of many of my friends, that I’m in the process of having a custom skin done, hopefully changing the color of the strange white eyebrows to something more appealing to a diva like myself.

I'm not wearing this look all the time. When I'm out dancing, I'm still human, and I love my neko look sometimes as well. Overall, this is another way for me to make a lasting impression. Here are a few pics of Lorelei as the Fire Elf. I especially like the way the elf (as I call her) and Boog’s Wookie skin work together, I'll post a pic of us together soon. We are really just a couple of beasties at heart, Boog and me. More updates shortly. Until then….

SLife Goes On

I’ve gone nearly another whole month without updating the blog, my apologies to those of you who read this regularly. I have no excuses. My Slife has been hectic and fun. I am still dancing at Parrot Bay on Monday, Wednesday and Friday nights from 7 to 9 pm SLT. I am also dancing at a club called Rumours on Saturday nights from 7 to 9 pm SLT. I have become involved with a publication and website called MOFSL, but as yet, have not been contributing much to that effort. My real time has been spent with writing, both in real life as well as inworld. I am involved in a Second Life group called Inksters, which has daily writing contests. The beauty of these contests is that the submissions must be 500 words or less, which really forces the story down to the most basic elements. These daily challenges have been lots of fun for me. I’ve thought about putting them out here on the blog for all you readers to see, but as yet I haven’t. If any of you would like to see them on the blog, please drop me an email or an IM inworld and let me know. If I get more than one request, I’ll likely start posting my Inkster’s submissions here.

Boog and I are doing fine. We are still talking about opening a shop, but haven’t done so as yet. Still getting lots of people wandering thru our house, despite the security system, and still having a great time exploring Second Life together. Updating more today, with pics. Until then…

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Quick Update on Major Developments

Wanted to let all the readers here know that I've created a group for you and others who enjoy either reading my words, hanging out with me, or attending events that I'm involved in. The group name is Lorelei's Liaisons. It is free to join and I won't be spamming the members at all. Just the occasional update letting you know of events and parties I'm hosting, as well as when I make a significant update to the blog. Also, since one of my pet peeves are unimaginative, even embarrassing tags, you get a cool tag! When you join my group, your tag will be "Dangerous Liaison" which is fun and one you will hopefully enjoy wearing.

The other development is that I have become affiliated with a new publication and website called MOFSL. You can find the website at It stands for Ministry of Second Life, and will include pics and info about most every aspect of Second Life. It is a way for new and old members to get to know the world a little better. There is also an account on Flickr where our pictures will be posted and accessible. Look for the distinctive logo, it is new now, but I suspect you will be seeing it more and more as time goes on.

More updates soon on surfing, shopping and relationships going on in the life of Lorelei Larsson. Remember, go to groups and search for Lorelei's Liaisons and join! Until next time....

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Let's Go Surfing Now... OR... In Search of the Perfect Wave

Boog and I have been working hard in SL lately. I currently am working at a club called Parrot Bay on Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings from 7 to 9 SLT, and I also work at a club called Rumours on Saturday nights. In addition to this, Boog and I have been taking lots of classes, learning a lot. We’ve purchased a photo studio and are soon going to launch a business together.

All work and no play… well, you know the rest. Boog and I were in serious need of some fun and relaxation, so we went on a quest for fun. At first, we tried snowboarding at a place called Salzburg. The sim was gorgeous and the facilities top notch, but unfortunately, the snowboarding equipment was severely lacking. So, we dropped our heavy clothes in favor of swimwear and went searching for a beach and surfboards. By the way, I'm back to being a neko. Note the ears, spots and tail. Boog and I are a pair of kitties.

First stop took us to a nice sim called Bishara Island. We couldn’t use their surfboards there without a group tag, and though we clicked and made the request, many hours later we still had not received an invite. Despite the fact that we never got to surf at Bishara, it was a lovely place, and I intend to go back and explore it more thoroughly again soon. One thing they had there which I’ve not seen yet in SL was a mini-golf course.

They also had a gorgeous and very well done under water grotto. Swimming underwater and seeing all the coral and colorful fishes, hearing the whales singing, was something that I will certainly go back and experience again soon. A restful, soothing experience, but not what we were needing at the moment.

Undaunted, and still in search of surfing thrills, we went to a personal favorite of mine, Junkyard Blues, which now occupies a full island sim. Being a group “Dawg”, I was immediately able to use the public surfboards, and was having a great time, but Boog didn’t have a tag. Not a problem, we just flew over to the dance floor and jammed to fine blues, danced on top notch dance balls and talked until I saw one of the Junkyard Dawg hostesses, whom are on duty for the most part 24/7. I asked Shellie for a tag for Boog, and she graciously supplied him with one immediately. We spent the rest of the evening riding the waves of Junkyard Beach.

This was one of the best times I’ve had yet in SL. Boog and I are already shopping for our own surfboards. Who knows, maybe we will give up the luxury of Tales of Desire and go become full time Junkyard Blues Beach bums. After all the fun we had last night, it is a tempting proposition. Here are some shots of Boog and me having a blast surfing the waves.

Readers of this blog have been riding my ass over the last month or so at my lack of updates. The first question they always ask me, after the general how-do-you-do’s in IM is always, “How’s Boog?”.

Well, dear readers, Boog is fantastic. Believe it or not, he and I are still together and haven’t spent more than a day or so apart in the last two months, we see each other every day. In SL terms, I think it is some sort of a record.Sure, we have our moments, but we seem to be doing just fine. I don’t know where we are going, but we are enjoying the ride, exploring and learning this world together. More updates soon…