Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Quick Update on Major Developments
The other development is that I have become affiliated with a new publication and website called MOFSL. You can find the website at MOFSL.com. It stands for Ministry of Second Life, and will include pics and info about most every aspect of Second Life. It is a way for new and old members to get to know the world a little better. There is also an account on Flickr where our pictures will be posted and accessible. Look for the distinctive logo, it is new now, but I suspect you will be seeing it more and more as time goes on.
More updates soon on surfing, shopping and relationships going on in the life of Lorelei Larsson. Remember, go to groups and search for Lorelei's Liaisons and join! Until next time....
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Let's Go Surfing Now... OR... In Search of the Perfect Wave
Boog and I have been working hard in SL lately. I currently am working at a club called
All work and no play… well, you know the rest. Boog and I were in serious need of some fun and relaxation, so we went on a quest for fun. At first, we tried snowboarding at a place called

They also had a gorgeous and very well done under water grotto. Swimming underwater and seeing all the coral and colorful fishes, hearing the whales singing, was something that I will certainly go back and experience again soon. A restful, soothing experience, but not what we were needing at the moment.
Undaunted, and still in search of surfing thrills, we went to a personal favorite of mine, Junkyard Blues, which now occupies a full island sim. Being a group “Dawg”, I was immediately able to use the public surfboards, and was having a great time, but Boog didn’t have a tag.

This was one of the best times I’ve had yet in SL. Boog and I are already shopping for our own surfboards. Who knows, maybe we will give up the luxury of Tales of Desire and go become full time
Readers of this blog have been riding my ass over the last month or so at my lack of updates. The first question they always ask me, after the general how-do-you-do’s in IM is always, “How’s Boog?”.
Well, dear readers, Boog is fantastic. Believe it or not, he and I are still together and haven’t spent more than a day or so apart in the last two months, we see each other every day. In SL terms, I think it is some sort of a record.Sure, we have our moments, but we seem to be doing just fine. I don’t know where we are going, but we are enjoying the ride, exploring and learning this world together. More updates soon…
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Some Words of Warning for New SLitizens..... OR..... Lola
It has been about six weeks since the last post to this blog. I had a major drama in my SLife, and I survived just fine, learned a lot. However, there was an action that I wanted to take, but my love for another made me reluctant to do it. As a result, I froze, unable to act at all. Finally, here is my action, my latest update on the adventures of Lorelei in the wonderland of Second Life.