Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Time to Go on a Long Explore...

As in RL, there comes a moment when you realize that your focus has become muddled, your direction, inaccurate. Strangely enough, I'm finding that to be true in SL. I am now about 19 or 20 days old, so perhaps this is just my transition from Second childhood to Second adulthood.

My goal for this whole adventure was to approach everything in SLife without fear; with daring, creativity and an intense quest for expansion of conciousness. I find that my progress in these areas has languished and has begun to get mired in much of the same junk that pollutes my RL journey.

I know what I want from SLife, now I must rethink my approach. I need to explore and find some inspiration. There is more here to be had that what we have all settled for IRL. What an unforgivable waste it would be, to take this fascinating reality and turn it into some brightly colored, digitized reflection of the first world, where we are teetering on the edge of destruction.

So, in response to all these thoughts, I am going on a long explore.

So far, I have swooped and tped from place to place in the world of SL...but I haven't explored very much beyond what I did in my first few days... It is time to refocus, to get back to that initial curiosity and seek out the real treasures this world holds.

So friends, I am temporarily putting away my expensive shoes, designer perfume, prim skirts and breast revealing tops, and putting on some patchouli, my fav jeans, a tee and my Birks.

I'm going down into the belly of the fish for a while...Then, I'm gonna climb a few mountains.

I'll keep y'all posted on what I find...just check back here every few days... and if you really need to chat, I might IM you back. Otherwise, friends, I will see ya in a couple of weeks...gonna see what else I can find out there....

Until next time, then....

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