A dear SL friend introduced me to this lovely little garden only a few days before it was turned into something completely different. Here is my memory of that sweet and lovely place in SL. Things of beauty are worth creating and preserving, whether it be in the real or virtual world. Though it seems consumerism always trumps simple nature and beauty, and there is no escape from it, not even in Second Life.
1 comment:
Hi I found you quite by accident, pressing that "next blog" button at the top. I've found another of those cartoonland blogs a while back ... I used to have a link to it on mine ... I do a blog too. It is called gledwood2.blogspot it's v. different from yours though -- more my kind of secret diary. You're welcome to drop by if you like. You can have a poke through my inner confessions online..! See you there, maybe ... Anyway !! Take it EZ and all the very best to you. Keep up the fascinating blog ...
("Gledwood vol 2")
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