My friend G. and I are working on what will be a fantastic place called The Preserve. I am including the before pics here. These were taken in the second week of March 2007 in Second Life. The Preserve is located in the Dja Nboo section, and from the shots taken here, you can see that we have had lots of work to do... The shot on the left is the back side, and captures the lovely Rabbit House, our neighbor's creation. Fortunately, the little gem is no longer with us, replaced with something much more neighbor friendly. One thing you soon discover in Second Life: If you want to escape obnoxious neighbors, go live on an island somewhere. We thought the Rabbit House was bad until the land next to us on another side suddenly sprouted a 4 story bright pink BDSM club, complete with nice, high brightly lit ad boxes all over the sky.... Oh, well, perhaps the traffic it brings in will do The Preserve well. Must find the good in the bad and the ugly.
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