As in RL, there is always more of what you want than there are lindens to buy with.
I am currently working as a dancer at a club in the sim Calvados. The club is called Dreamworld... I am a Dreamworld Dreamgirl. I love working at Dreamworld, but when you are newly in love, as in RL, it is often a grind to have to spend time working, when you'd rather spend it luxuriating in the arms of a loved one. Fortunately my sweet Boog can and does come to watch me work, which is always a joy for me.
Here are a couple of shots of Boog and I enjoying the newly animated dance floor in our house.

The only other hiccup to all this bliss has been an almost continuous stream of accidental and purposeful griefers landing in our house during the precious few hours we are together there. Fortunately, most of the uninvited guests have been kind and have quickly left of their own accord.
One very funny situation occured when a stray and totally non-english speaking Frenchman arrived on our veranda and made himself a home in the cuddle bed out there. We could not get him to leave. He was either away or having computer problems, nothing would get his attention. On the advice of a good friend and his gun-toting lady, we moved the bed out from under the stranger, and finally, after being shot at, yelled at, prodded and poked, the uninvited guest finally came to his senses. Our friend Kali was the hero of the day, and though she was sporting some seriously danger looking guns, she was able to convince our intruder to leave peacefully, always the best possible solution. Thank you R. and K., you guys are good friends to have, especially in a crisis.
It does seem, however, that I am still having a problem with stalkers. There have been a couple of situations when the intruder seems to know inside information about me, and has verbally attacked me personally, which is a very upsetting situation. After the most recent occasion of this, our hitherto missing landlord answered an IM call for help. We were ecstatic, he came right over.
It was a real pleasure to get to meet our new landlord, the builder of the amazing house we live in, and the owner of the entire property, including the imposing castle that oversees our home. We had met his very nice lady, Francis, but he had not been around, until the very moment we needed him most. He turned out to be warm, friendly, personable, and he fixed us up with the ability to freeze and eject intruders. He also gave Boog and me great tags to wear, as the residents of Tales of Desire. When at home now, my guy and me are Lord and Lady of Desire! Now it just doesn't get much better than that, does it.

On the advice of our friend Kali, and even with the new powers granted us by our landlord, we are likely still going to invest in a security system. Our home is just so cool looking it draws people like a magnet. That would be great if it were a club, but when we are at home, Boog and I don't enjoy having to spend what little time we have together trying to peacefully get intruders to leave. Here is a shot of Boog and me shopping for security systems. I had met him at the gadget shop after working a night when the theme was "Teacher's Pet" and it makes a hilarious contrast to Boog, wearing the same sexy red fox skin he wore the first time I ever met him.

More on the adventures of Lorelei very soon. Until then....