Once upon a time, a pretty redhead ave was wandering around the sex holes of SL, wearing little more than a full body tattoo and a mood for adventure. Bored and frustrated by her SL relationships, she was becoming equally bored and frustrated by the awkward doughy noob aves and their equally awkward come-ons.
Almost ready to give up and take a lousy offer just to have something to relieve the boredom, a very interesting IM suddenly rang in my tray. Looking around, I connected to the source, and saw before me a furry. A large, male red fox furry, ready for some fun, leering sweetly at me. That was enough to get my interest, because no one in SL had ever managed to leer sweetly.
I suddenly realized that a furry was exactly what I was in the mood for. But there I was in an unfamiliar and somewhat threatening BDSM dungeon, suddenly intrigued by this furry that had fingers of silk, smart, smooth and saying things unlike anything anyone had ever typed to me before.
Checking his profile, I was even more impressed. This was a noob, less than a week old, and yet here was a personality with presence and a smoothness that made even me feel a little awkward, and I was no longer a noob. This sexy furry looked at me, looked around at our surroundings and suggested we go somewhere he knew that was a little kinder and gentler. I quickly agreed. He introduced me that night to a place called Intimate Desires, which has ever since been at the top of my list of favorite places.
The red fox and I enjoyed our time together, and I was quite smitten by his lovely handle on the language of love and roleplay. I had take my leave, and was going away for a week from SL, but asked him, very sincerely to IM me when he saw that I was back.
He did, and through IM and the occasional meeting, a very close and positive friendship began to form. Here was someone that I was clicking with on a very deep level.

Again, he introduced me to a new favorite place, Midsomer Isle, even better than the last place he'd taken me to. Imagine my surprise then, when on a date to go dancing, my sexy male red fox showed up with furry boobs and dancing silks, and a She-male tag over his head. Here was someone that was going to stretch my sense of normality a bit. And I liked that. For isn't that what SL should be?

So here I will begin a new chapter in the story of Lorelei Larsson. When I gave part of myself to Boog, suddenly everything changed for the better. Life in SL became a grand new adventure, all over again. We will hear more about the adventures of Lorelei and Boog very soon. Until then....

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