Wednesday, May 23, 2007

A Brand New Boog

From the first time I met Boog, and continuing as our relationship developed, he was wearing different shapes and skins… and his skin was never quite human. His gender changed back and forth and I never knew what to expect from one meeting to the next. This changed suddenly when his collar was removed and he was no longer under the control of a dominant. He then became a dark-skinned neko with crazy hair.

I can honestly say that I fell in love with Boog’s mind, his words, his personality.

The look he was sporting never had anything to do with the way I felt about him, I grew to love him as I got to know him and my feelings would have been the same had he turned himself into a little dinosaur (another avatar I recently saw). My only request, ever, was that when we were being intimate, he take on his true male form, which he always did.

Boog now looks as good and traditionally appealing on the outside as he has always been to me on the inside. I am amazed at how successful the transformation has been.

This is a perfect example of how good a person’s avatar in SL can look, if you give it planning, thought and patience. I think in all, including the hair and tattoos, he spent under 3000L achieving this HAWT look. And it was worth every penny. Once again, he and I can’t seem to keep our hands off each other. Well, come to think of it, we never could keep our hands off each other, but that is just the way we are.

And now, I can’t keep my eyes off him. I am such a lucky girl.

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