Monday, September 17, 2007

Dog and Butterfly

Second post in a row with no new photos, but I’m feeling obliged to update you on the many changes in my SLife.

The MOFSL experience seems to have collapsed before it ever really got started. When trying to find time for SL in a busy RL, it is counterproductive to contribute time and energy to a project which has nothing to give back. I simply do not have time to devote to projects to which I have no real connection. In other words, I need to have something to gain as a result of my work, and MOFSL did not provide any incentive for me.

Along those same lines, I am no longer a dancer. As much as I loved dancing, and as many new friends as I’ve made while doing it, there comes a time when it is time to move on.

No longer a fixture at Parrot Bay or Rumours, I am currently spending my time with the rudimentary tasks of starting a major business in SL. A long-time and very dear friend has hired me to design, open and manage a new venture in Second Life. Now, obviously, there are plenty of clubs in SL. In fact, several of my friends have opened clubs in the last week or so.

I am taking the time to conceive something unique, memorable and hopefully a cut above what has been done already. As of yet, I’ve still not decided on a name for it. I have a couple of strong possibilities. If any of you readers and friends have a brilliant suggestion you’d like to share with me, please IM me. I will compensate you for your contribution if it is used.

We have chosen and purchased land. We’ve purchased one building, an apartment complex, and I’m currently weighing options as far as the club build goes. The pre-fab builds in SL are varied and exciting but the task is daunting. So many builds that can be seen on the websites SLexchange and ShoponRezz cannot be seen inworld. I can’t choose something unless I can walk through it and experience it. That is my biggest obstacle at the moment, and one I hope to resolve within the next few days. Again, readers, I am open for suggestions and advice.

My old favorite Fantasy Forest is no more. It has been re-named Crimson something or other, and is quickly losing it’s status in my mind as the best sex hole in SL. I am now on a quest to either find a new best one, or create one with the project I’m working on. No more freelance dancing for me these days. However, you can be sure I will be dancing in the club I’m opening, if for no other reason than I enjoy the flirting and playing. I am missing it already.

Last but not least. I am now officially unattached in SL, which is a rather silly thing to say, as I was never officially attached. I still love Boog and he is still around here and there in my SLife, but I am establishing myself “officially” as a single entity. This has caused me no small amount of sadness, but I realize that some things are never meant to last forever. Some relationships can only go so far, and after a certain point is reached, there is nowhere else to go. I will continue to be here for him, and will always consider him a dear and cherished friend. There is a little part of my heart with his name etched on it forever.

More updates, my dear readers, as new developments unfold. Until then…

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Big Changes in the Future

Summer is over and I begin my third season in SL as autumn arrives in the US. I want to thank all the people who have visited my blog despite my infrequent updates. At the present time, things in SL are going along as they have been for weeks and weeks, but big changes are just around the corner. I'm not gonna tell you what they are just yet, you'll have to check back here to find out. (I'm a tease, remember?)

For now, I'm still dancing at Parrot Bay, Rumours on the weekend, and I've also started freelancing at Fantasy Forest, which is in my opinion, the best sex hole in SL. In fact, it is way beyond just a sex hole; it is a bottomless sex pit. Stop by and check it out, and check the dance poles to see if I'm on one.

Lorelei's Liaisons is growing quickly and now that the list is bigger than ten I will likely start sending out group notices more often letting the members know what is up and where I am.

I'll also be posting lots of pictures here soon, as well as on Flickr. More on that later too.

So, keep checking back and you will see the exciting new events that are about to happen in Lorelei's Slife.

Until then....

Monday, August 20, 2007

Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Boy

Boog is beautiful, bratty, brilliant and above all ridiculous. He is also my best friend and confidante in SL. He is my guy, and I love him dearly. Since he and I have been together I have seen so many SL "marriages" form and fail. Despite never making it "official", Boog and I are still together.

He inspires me, gets me thinking and makes me laugh so, that I can't imagine being in this world without him. I wear his collar and he holds my leash, and I'm very happy with it all.

Boog, this post is just for you. I hope you keep holding the chain to my heart for a long time. Thank you for all you do. Muah!!!

Lorelei Re-Invents Herself

One exciting bit of news is that in addition to my human Lorelei skin, which you’ve all seen here and there on the blog, and my neko-human hybrid skin, also seen a bit here, I’ve added a new look to my persona. This one is a Fire Elf, my own creation.

I started with a purchased Firebloom Drow skin, then added some other tidbits and twists, as well as a totally new shape and face which I created myself. I’ve enjoyed wearing this so much, despite the very shocked reactions of many of my friends, that I’m in the process of having a custom skin done, hopefully changing the color of the strange white eyebrows to something more appealing to a diva like myself.

I'm not wearing this look all the time. When I'm out dancing, I'm still human, and I love my neko look sometimes as well. Overall, this is another way for me to make a lasting impression. Here are a few pics of Lorelei as the Fire Elf. I especially like the way the elf (as I call her) and Boog’s Wookie skin work together, I'll post a pic of us together soon. We are really just a couple of beasties at heart, Boog and me. More updates shortly. Until then….

SLife Goes On

I’ve gone nearly another whole month without updating the blog, my apologies to those of you who read this regularly. I have no excuses. My Slife has been hectic and fun. I am still dancing at Parrot Bay on Monday, Wednesday and Friday nights from 7 to 9 pm SLT. I am also dancing at a club called Rumours on Saturday nights from 7 to 9 pm SLT. I have become involved with a publication and website called MOFSL, but as yet, have not been contributing much to that effort. My real time has been spent with writing, both in real life as well as inworld. I am involved in a Second Life group called Inksters, which has daily writing contests. The beauty of these contests is that the submissions must be 500 words or less, which really forces the story down to the most basic elements. These daily challenges have been lots of fun for me. I’ve thought about putting them out here on the blog for all you readers to see, but as yet I haven’t. If any of you would like to see them on the blog, please drop me an email or an IM inworld and let me know. If I get more than one request, I’ll likely start posting my Inkster’s submissions here.

Boog and I are doing fine. We are still talking about opening a shop, but haven’t done so as yet. Still getting lots of people wandering thru our house, despite the security system, and still having a great time exploring Second Life together. Updating more today, with pics. Until then…

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Quick Update on Major Developments

Wanted to let all the readers here know that I've created a group for you and others who enjoy either reading my words, hanging out with me, or attending events that I'm involved in. The group name is Lorelei's Liaisons. It is free to join and I won't be spamming the members at all. Just the occasional update letting you know of events and parties I'm hosting, as well as when I make a significant update to the blog. Also, since one of my pet peeves are unimaginative, even embarrassing tags, you get a cool tag! When you join my group, your tag will be "Dangerous Liaison" which is fun and one you will hopefully enjoy wearing.

The other development is that I have become affiliated with a new publication and website called MOFSL. You can find the website at It stands for Ministry of Second Life, and will include pics and info about most every aspect of Second Life. It is a way for new and old members to get to know the world a little better. There is also an account on Flickr where our pictures will be posted and accessible. Look for the distinctive logo, it is new now, but I suspect you will be seeing it more and more as time goes on.

More updates soon on surfing, shopping and relationships going on in the life of Lorelei Larsson. Remember, go to groups and search for Lorelei's Liaisons and join! Until next time....

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Let's Go Surfing Now... OR... In Search of the Perfect Wave

Boog and I have been working hard in SL lately. I currently am working at a club called Parrot Bay on Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings from 7 to 9 SLT, and I also work at a club called Rumours on Saturday nights. In addition to this, Boog and I have been taking lots of classes, learning a lot. We’ve purchased a photo studio and are soon going to launch a business together.

All work and no play… well, you know the rest. Boog and I were in serious need of some fun and relaxation, so we went on a quest for fun. At first, we tried snowboarding at a place called Salzburg. The sim was gorgeous and the facilities top notch, but unfortunately, the snowboarding equipment was severely lacking. So, we dropped our heavy clothes in favor of swimwear and went searching for a beach and surfboards. By the way, I'm back to being a neko. Note the ears, spots and tail. Boog and I are a pair of kitties.

First stop took us to a nice sim called Bishara Island. We couldn’t use their surfboards there without a group tag, and though we clicked and made the request, many hours later we still had not received an invite. Despite the fact that we never got to surf at Bishara, it was a lovely place, and I intend to go back and explore it more thoroughly again soon. One thing they had there which I’ve not seen yet in SL was a mini-golf course.

They also had a gorgeous and very well done under water grotto. Swimming underwater and seeing all the coral and colorful fishes, hearing the whales singing, was something that I will certainly go back and experience again soon. A restful, soothing experience, but not what we were needing at the moment.

Undaunted, and still in search of surfing thrills, we went to a personal favorite of mine, Junkyard Blues, which now occupies a full island sim. Being a group “Dawg”, I was immediately able to use the public surfboards, and was having a great time, but Boog didn’t have a tag. Not a problem, we just flew over to the dance floor and jammed to fine blues, danced on top notch dance balls and talked until I saw one of the Junkyard Dawg hostesses, whom are on duty for the most part 24/7. I asked Shellie for a tag for Boog, and she graciously supplied him with one immediately. We spent the rest of the evening riding the waves of Junkyard Beach.

This was one of the best times I’ve had yet in SL. Boog and I are already shopping for our own surfboards. Who knows, maybe we will give up the luxury of Tales of Desire and go become full time Junkyard Blues Beach bums. After all the fun we had last night, it is a tempting proposition. Here are some shots of Boog and me having a blast surfing the waves.

Readers of this blog have been riding my ass over the last month or so at my lack of updates. The first question they always ask me, after the general how-do-you-do’s in IM is always, “How’s Boog?”.

Well, dear readers, Boog is fantastic. Believe it or not, he and I are still together and haven’t spent more than a day or so apart in the last two months, we see each other every day. In SL terms, I think it is some sort of a record.Sure, we have our moments, but we seem to be doing just fine. I don’t know where we are going, but we are enjoying the ride, exploring and learning this world together. More updates soon…

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Some Words of Warning for New SLitizens..... OR..... Lola

It has been about six weeks since the last post to this blog. I had a major drama in my SLife, and I survived just fine, learned a lot. However, there was an action that I wanted to take, but my love for another made me reluctant to do it. As a result, I froze, unable to act at all. Finally, here is my action, my latest update on the adventures of Lorelei in the wonderland of Second Life.

I think in terms of Second Life age I am now fully a middle aged person, wizened and somewhat cynical from my experiences. What is striking to me, is the similarities to RL, but in slightly different manifestations. This world of SL is doing a lot of boundary crossing, on many different levels. It is making our world smaller allowing many who might never travel past their borders to meet and explore people on the other side of the globe. Most times, despite the differences in culture, language and economics, we find that we are all human, and when it comes down to the most basic natures and needs, very much the same.

While most people are good and kind, both in RL and in SL, there are also people who are dangerous and not what they appear to be. And even the good ones who would never intentionally cause pain to others, are weak, flawed humans. We all are. Sometimes even very kind people can hurt others very much.

One thing that bothers me about SL is the phenomena of men masquerading as women. This is rampant across SL. I worry about the psychological damage caused to young people who become emotionally attached to a person masquerading as a different gender than what they actually are. After emotional ties have been formed, THEN the truth is revealed. I know for a fact that this is happening over and over again in SL.

I personally am aware of a “woman”, initials V.C. who is, in fact, a man. This is just one example of the sort of devious and manipulative type that seem to have found a haven in SL. This person trolls sex holes looking for sexy but very young (in SL terms) people to prey on, and forms relationships with those people, lovingly creating a very manipulative environment. Only after the hooks are well set in the victim’s brain does the truth come out. This “woman” is actually a youngish Dutchman, so unsure of his sexuality that he can’t make his mind up between men and women, neither in the virtual world nor in the real one. But what he does do is manipulate and use people in SL, and I have seen it first hand. He may not know how to love, but he knows how to control, and that is where the thrill for him lies.

New people in SL need to be aware that there are predators trolling around, ready to insidiously worm their way into other peoples psyches, only to use and control them. There are many people in SL seeking the one thing that really gets them going, which is controlling others. The thing that puzzles me is why people willingly allow this to happen. Yet, I’ve seen how slow and subtle the process is, and most don’t realize what is going on until they are in too deep to see the situation objectively. So then, dear readers, guard your heart well on your journeys in Second Life. It may be a virtual world, but the emotional pain can be very real, and it cuts like a knife. More updates coming soon…

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Take a visit to Australia at the Pond

My SLover Boog and I recently enjoyed a fun evening of exploration at the Pond.

This finely detailed sim includes plenty of activities and recreates all that is best about the land down under.

There are plenty of places to hang out and meet new people, lots of amazing scenery and jaw dropping builds. There is a race track, a cuddle park and shopping.

A re-creation of the Sydney Opera house is amazing from the outside, but sadly, only the basement can be entered and explored.

While we were there we discovered an amazing and mind blowing art experience in the bottom of the Opera House. Lights, sound and color react to movements of avatars thru the space. Invite your friends, go into mouse look and fly around bumping into each other and enjoy the effect you have on the environment, and feel the effect it has on you, reminiscent of mind-altering drug experiences.

If you enjoy detail of construction and have some time go on a walkabout and explore, the Pond is a must see in Second Life.

Come see me at Parrot Bay

I am now dancing at Parrot Bay in addition to my job at La Rose Nui. I love the crowd at Parrot Bay, they are such a tight knit SL family. It’s a real honor to be a part of such a fun bunch of people. If you ever want to stop in and say hello to me, I work at Parrot Bay on Monday, Wednesday and Friday nights between 7 and 9 pm SLT. Enjoy different themes, Sploder nights, dancing and shops out in the courtyard, admire the pirate ship in the harbor and take a hit on the gigantic bong in the club. The people are friendly and welcome new people, so stop in and admire the scenery, and as always, remember to tip your lovely dancers and DJ as they are working hard for your entertainment.

More on Lorelei’s adventures in Second Life coming soon. Until then.

Friday, June 1, 2007

House Beautiful Second Life

One of the most enjoyable things about SL for me so far has been setting up housekeeping. Boog Nishi and I rent a lovely house called Tales of Desire, and he and I are Lord and Lady of Desire.

The owner and creator of this spectacular house, Luminus, came over the other day and told us that what we thought was ours was not. There is a little stone cottage that connects the Tales of Desire house with the big castle in back that belongs to Luminus and Fran. Boog and I had been under the mistaken impression that this little stone cottage was ours, but Luminus informed us that it was not included in the rent. I had asked this question twice in IMd queries to the owners prior to renting the house, but had never gotten a response. Being an optimist I’d assumed the little cottage was part of the deal.

This new disappointing revelation involved some quick rearranging and a little sadness too, because now, privacy in our home is really at a premium. In fact there is really none to be found at all. But, the place is lovely, and we don’t want to leave.

So in search of a little privacy, I went on a curtain buying adventure. Eventually I settled on a set of amazing huge red flexi curtains that blow in the ever present SL wind. (I am now an expert on curtains in SL.) But before I actually bought the curtains, I also bought a new sofa and ottoman for our living room, and a nice “ohm” printed flexi curtain for the uncovered window in Boog’s room.

As soon as Boog and I got the curtains hung, we went on yet another shopping spree to Bits and Bobs, outfitting the area in front of the fireplace with new toys and adding a new set of dance balls.

Our home just gets sweeter and sweeter. Boog and I are loving each other, loving the home we have created together and loving our perfect world in SL. More updates on the adventures of Lorelei in Second Life coming soon. Until then…

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

La Rose Nui... (My Professional Home)

These days, I am working at a brand new club called La Rose Nui. It is so new, in fact, that our grand opening is this Saturday night, May 26, 2007. Please stop by and check it out. I normally work from 9 pm SLT to 11 pm SLT, or later if the crowd stays on.

I haven’t been in a huge number of classic “gentleman’s clubs” in SL, but the ones I’ve seen, cannot compare to this one. I am so proud to be working here, and it is truly one of the most beautiful clubs I’ve been in. The owners and managers are totally professional and have become my new SL family. I learn something new from them every day, and it is a joy to be a part of such a sharp, smart group of people. Everything in the club is first rate.

You won’t be slumming when you come to La Rose, so dress accordingly. Hope to see you there. Don’t forget to say hello, and if you get there by reading this, be sure and let me know you saw it on the blog.

More of Lorelei’s adventures in Second Life coming soon. Until then.

A Brand New Boog

From the first time I met Boog, and continuing as our relationship developed, he was wearing different shapes and skins… and his skin was never quite human. His gender changed back and forth and I never knew what to expect from one meeting to the next. This changed suddenly when his collar was removed and he was no longer under the control of a dominant. He then became a dark-skinned neko with crazy hair.

I can honestly say that I fell in love with Boog’s mind, his words, his personality.

The look he was sporting never had anything to do with the way I felt about him, I grew to love him as I got to know him and my feelings would have been the same had he turned himself into a little dinosaur (another avatar I recently saw). My only request, ever, was that when we were being intimate, he take on his true male form, which he always did.

Boog now looks as good and traditionally appealing on the outside as he has always been to me on the inside. I am amazed at how successful the transformation has been.

This is a perfect example of how good a person’s avatar in SL can look, if you give it planning, thought and patience. I think in all, including the hair and tattoos, he spent under 3000L achieving this HAWT look. And it was worth every penny. Once again, he and I can’t seem to keep our hands off each other. Well, come to think of it, we never could keep our hands off each other, but that is just the way we are.

And now, I can’t keep my eyes off him. I am such a lucky girl.

Monday, May 21, 2007

The Skinny on Skins, Shapes and Getting your Look

I'm feeling terribly embarrassed right now, as I have been so busy doing this and learning that, I forgot to take pictures. Undaunted, I am proceeding with this blog post, and may or may not add pictures to accompany it at a later time. Lately I've been busy helping my SL love, Boog, get his look together. He has been exploring all forms of avatars since he first came to SL, you can see a history of this by skimming through the pictures here in my blog. Recenly he surprised me by announcing that he was getting a new shape and skin, and he wanted a sexy human skin look with the ears and tail of a neko added. (Wait till you see him, he is damn hot now, but that will wait for another blog post.) This has put me once again, back into the rather complicated world of shapes and skins in SL.

I did not have anyone to help me understand the relationship between shapes and skins, and I learned the hard way. I wasted a lot of money in the process, even up until very recently. I'm writing this post in order to pass along what I've learned and hopefully to help others avoid some of the trouble and financial frustration the learning process caused me.

Getting this part of SL is critical to your success or failure, for as in RL, there is great emphasis placed on what you look like. Now, you can get creative, like Boog did, and explore what it is like to walk around in a furry skin. A lot of people, or I should say BEINGS in SL have chosen this route and are quite happy.

I have seen several hot and sexy cyborg creatures walking around. My neighbor/landlady is a cute little brunette most of the time, but she also flies around as a dragon occasionally, and also has an "old hag" skin that is quite unsettling, all a part of her experience in SL. Just yesterday while shopping for tattoos, Boog and I encountered a lovely mermaid floating around nearby, complete with tail and sparklies. If you want to go the fantasy route in SL, terrific. However, the following information will be geared toward those who are trying to put together an attractive human look.

First, you must understand the difference between SHAPE and SKIN. There are certain stores, namely Alady, that are passing along erroneous information. They say that the shape is the most important decision, and the skin fairly irrelevant. They are doing this because they sell non-modifyable shapes, and it is simply their approach to sell more shapes, it is not accurate. The shape and the skin combine to create a unique combination, and are equally important.

The SHAPE is equivalent to the skeleton and muscle in RL. This is where the basic framework is laid out. The height, the thickness of the body, the muscle mass, also the facial structure.. the shape of the face, the size and shape of the jaw, cheeks, forhead, ears, nose and lips, all these things are determined by the shape you choose.

There are several approaches you can take. Some people like to make their avatar a virtual mirror image of their RL selves. Others want an idealized image of themselves in RL. Others leave their RL selves behind completely and make themselves look the way they fantasize about looking. One question to ask yourself is: How unique do you want to be?

There are some people who buy shapes that have been designed to look like some celebrity. You will notice that in order to achieve the exact representation of the look, you not only have to buy the proper shape, but also the skin that the creator of the vision used for their photos. In order to exactly recreate a look on a photo, you will have to use the exact same shape and skin used for the photo. Just the shape or the skin alone (more specifically, combined with some other shape or skin) will not achieve the look.

There are people who take the basic SL shape, given to them from the beginning of the game, and make it their own. They turn their face and body into their own unique creation, using a careful combination of slider controls available in the "edit appearance" mode. There are certain limitations to this approach as well. I was very happy with this solution for myself until my recent upgrade to a Hyperfusion skin. I still love my body's shape, but the details of the face, particularly around the nose, are not as smooth and natural as I'd like them to be. I am therefore trying to find a solution to this problem.

The balance, in my opinion, can be reached by searching (and believe me, it will take some time and effort, this search) for the best shape you can possibly find for you. If you want the ability to slightly alter that shape, in order to achieve a humanlike degree of uniqueness, here is the tough part, the shape you buy MUST BE MODIFYABLE. And finding that combination is a challenge. The reason you want it to be mod is so that you can tweak it and customize it to make it your own individual unique look. That makes the difference between just good and fantastic.

(Once you see Boog's new look, you will understand what greatness can be achieved by following this approach.)

The shape decision should be made first, for this reason. You cannot DEMO shapes. Once you buy a shape, you own it. There is no try before you buy. And yet, the shape you have on underneath a skin will dramatically affect the appearance of that skin. SO, get your shape first, then try on demo skins until you find the perfect combination.

Now, to the skin. (As an aside, I have wasted SO much money on skins in this game.) It is VERY important that you not invest in a skin until you have done your research. If you are first starting out, then get the best freebie or cheap skin you can find and make do while you save your Lindens and do your research.

You cannot skimp on skins. But keep in mind a high price does not guarantee good quality. There are many lousy, but expensive skins out there masquerading as good ones, so beware making hasty skin decisions. Also, the less money you spend on your skin, the more likely you will be seeing a lot of people who look a lot like you as you wander around in SL. So do your reasearch well, be patient, and be willing to spend a MINIMUM of $1000L for your skin, possibly two to five times that if you plan to make a career out of your looks in SL (as a dancer, model, escort, etc.).

Skins are exactly that, skin: the covering of the underlying skeletal and muscular framework. Here you define the color, the texture and tone, freckles and moles, the definition of the muscles (achieved by carefully applied shading), the color and placement of nipples and bits, including pubic hair. Also defined by the skin, and worth scrutinizing carefully, are the ears, the hands and feet, the finer points of the nose, lips and brows. For men, one of the most important considerations is the facial and body hair. Keep in mind too, that male skins do not come fully equipped. Because of the fact that a penis is basically attached to the body, the skin cannot incorporate the penis. The penis will need to be bought separately. That is outside the focus of this post, but there are many options and choices there as well.

The best approach, while skin shopping, is to collect demos of skins you like. Demos are free or $1L generally. Each will come in a folder with the demo skin and a LM (landmark) to the store. Collect these as you find skins you like, as you shop and decide on your shape, or as you make the choice to create and refine your own shape. Once your shape has been perfected and put into use, when you've looked and researched and learned and collected your stash of demo skins, it is time to make a decision. Find a private place, preferably with a good friend who will give an honest opinion, force the light in the world to NOON to give yourself very good light, and start trying on demos. The advantage to this method is you are not going to get distracted by the price, and you can see different skins from different designers one after another.

Once you have narrowed your decision down to two or three, look for tiny problems. One of the most common issues you will see on skins is the matching of the colors at the "seams". Look carefully and make sure all transitions are smooth. Also make sure it has not been overly shaded. Some men skins in particular have way too much "six pack" shading in the abdomen area, and they wind up looking ridiculous. Check over every point, using a very critical eye. If you find too many flaws, then keep shopping. This is not a time to get in a hurry. Finally once you find the perfect demo, grab the landmark out of the folder and go buy it. Now you can get on with your SLife, knowing that you are the hot and sexy avatar you always wanted to be.

Pictures and more on the adventures of Lorelei (and Boog) in SecondLifeLand coming soon. Until then.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Life Goes On

Settling into a routine, domestic life with Boog has to this point been as close to bliss as it gets. We have both been busy and breathlessly snatching what time we can together, whenever we can steal a moment. We shoot around as we can afford it and buy beautiful things for our home.
As in RL, there is always more of what you want than there are lindens to buy with.

I am currently working as a dancer at a club in the sim Calvados. The club is called Dreamworld... I am a Dreamworld Dreamgirl. I love working at Dreamworld, but when you are newly in love, as in RL, it is often a grind to have to spend time working, when you'd rather spend it luxuriating in the arms of a loved one. Fortunately my sweet Boog can and does come to watch me work, which is always a joy for me.

Here are a couple of shots of Boog and I enjoying the newly animated dance floor in our house. We are filling our house with music and dancing. Boog has set up a complete DJ booth and we are putting together a kicking dance area. Ahh, bliss, indeed.

The only other hiccup to all this bliss has been an almost continuous stream of accidental and purposeful griefers landing in our house during the precious few hours we are together there. Fortunately, most of the uninvited guests have been kind and have quickly left of their own accord.

One very funny situation occured when a stray and totally non-english speaking Frenchman arrived on our veranda and made himself a home in the cuddle bed out there. We could not get him to leave. He was either away or having computer problems, nothing would get his attention. On the advice of a good friend and his gun-toting lady, we moved the bed out from under the stranger, and finally, after being shot at, yelled at, prodded and poked, the uninvited guest finally came to his senses. Our friend Kali was the hero of the day, and though she was sporting some seriously danger looking guns, she was able to convince our intruder to leave peacefully, always the best possible solution. Thank you R. and K., you guys are good friends to have, especially in a crisis.

It does seem, however, that I am still having a problem with stalkers. There have been a couple of situations when the intruder seems to know inside information about me, and has verbally attacked me personally, which is a very upsetting situation. After the most recent occasion of this, our hitherto missing landlord answered an IM call for help. We were ecstatic, he came right over.

It was a real pleasure to get to meet our new landlord, the builder of the amazing house we live in, and the owner of the entire property, including the imposing castle that oversees our home. We had met his very nice lady, Francis, but he had not been around, until the very moment we needed him most. He turned out to be warm, friendly, personable, and he fixed us up with the ability to freeze and eject intruders. He also gave Boog and me great tags to wear, as the residents of Tales of Desire. When at home now, my guy and me are Lord and Lady of Desire! Now it just doesn't get much better than that, does it.

On the advice of our friend Kali, and even with the new powers granted us by our landlord, we are likely still going to invest in a security system. Our home is just so cool looking it draws people like a magnet. That would be great if it were a club, but when we are at home, Boog and I don't enjoy having to spend what little time we have together trying to peacefully get intruders to leave. Here is a shot of Boog and me shopping for security systems. I had met him at the gadget shop after working a night when the theme was "Teacher's Pet" and it makes a hilarious contrast to Boog, wearing the same sexy red fox skin he wore the first time I ever met him. I think he was planning on taking me back to his den and eating me. This is why I love SL, where else can grownups have so much fun playing?

More on the adventures of Lorelei very soon. Until then....

Monday, May 14, 2007

This is Bliss

Here I’ll stop with all the romance and drama for a moment to pause and share with you an amazing place in Second Life. I found it long ago, while exploring garden centers. Bliss Garden Center seems like a normal, everyday garden center. The typical offerings: waterfalls, garden sculpture, plants, lots of water plants particularly, textures galore. Everything is laid out like a beautiful rl garden center, a nice broad plank walkway connecting huge beds of plants and items for sale.

The fun starts when you notice a sign, telling you about the Futureperfect Stage, and an arrow points down into a pool.

When you land in the stage area… pick yourself up, dust yourself off and poke around there for a few minutes. Check out the upcoming concert schedule. They have live music here, you know. Then, over to the side and up the mountain you will see a wooden plank staircase, leading you up and out of the little green grotto. Following this will lead to the treasures of Bliss.

There is little to be said about this amazing area of SL except grandiose and wildly complimentary adjectives. It is amazing, beautiful, awe inspiring. The scale is huge. Giant mountains, spilling over with waterfalls, grottos curving behind the falling waters into the mountains behind. Meters and meters of boardwalk planking for walking. The whole experience is a sedative for jangled nerves. As you float, fly or walk around Bliss, you feel the stress of RL and SL begin to disappear as you lose yourself in its otherworldly beauty. And though it is otherworldly, it is grounded firmly in what is best and beautiful of the sweet green earth that is still, for now, our RL home.

They have residential areas available for rent in Bliss, and how fortunate the people who live there are. The tree houses are amazing, and just the scenery alone would be enough to sooth the soul.

The size of the place is hard to grasp. I’m not sure how long it took to develop this place, but it is truly the most amazing and impressive feat of human imagination and accomplishment that I have seen in SL.

There are several tours to take in Bliss. I have yet to experience all of them. These shots were taken when I introduced my old and dear friend Brainchild to this spectacular place.

The hang glider in Bliss is either just a fun way to fly around and explore, or you can let it guide you on a tour. My personal favorite tour is the balloon ride. I have been on this tour several times now, and always look forward to the opportunity to go back and do it again. There are also several walking tours. While in the air, look for the pink and blue balls that look like pose balls. Turns out they just take you on a little walk through the beauty that is Bliss.

This is, for me, the pinnacle of Second Life. I have not yet seen anything in this world that can top it. I will continue to explore and see what else is out there and let you know what I find. Until then, take a trip to Bliss, and feel your soul expand and renew in the process.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Our House is a Very, Very, Very, Fine House

I finally given up my status as either a homeless person or longterm house guest in SL, and have rented a lovely house with a lovely name…. Tales of Desire. What better name could a home for me have?

It is all façade, hanging on the side of a mountain, overshadowed and protected from above by a massive, intimidating stone castle.

The verandas overlook a lovely cold river, at the bottom of steep snowy banks… and across the river, lovely waterfalls and homes.

Completing this perfect picture of SL domestic bliss is the fact that I am sharing this lovely home with my love, Boog. He is now completely mine, I am no longer sharing him with anyone else. He is no longer under anyone else’s domination; no more collar for Boog. He is now fully and completely the master of my heart, and the King of our castle.

Below is a shot of Boog and me the day we went to the rental agency to seek and find the perfect home for us. Boog just got out of bed, and is, as you can see, still collared. It took a few days, but soon after moving in, we determined that the collar on Boog's neck was a little too constricting.

For a couple of drama queens like us, the house is perfect. The massive curving staircases are our drama zone, and we have already had lots of drama there. It was here that the decision was made that Boog was to become a free and unfettered individual in SL, for the first time since his first few days here.

Like a couple of newlyweds, it seems that lately all Boog and I have been able to do is kiss and cuddle where ever we go. It is almost embarrassing, really for a cynic like myself, but Boog does seem to bring out the warm and fuzzy in me… and we do keep ourselves warm and fuzzy whenever we are together in our perfect paradise, the world we’ve created in Second Life.

Wookie Love and the tie-in to the post “Had to Share This”

This goes back a long, long time…. I have a wookie fetish. Since I was a little girl, I have been intrigued by the Wookie, (for all you people from other planets, a character from the movie "Star Wars"). For me, the best thing about the original movies was Han Solo’s sidekick, the “walking carpet”.

I got VERY excited when, in the most recent addition to the Star Wars lineage, "Revenge of the Sith", we got the opportunity to visit the Wookie planet, Kashyyk. I was sorely disappointed at the fleeting nature of the scenes, having hoped that we’d spend the bulk of the movie in and around the wookie culture. Now THERE is a movie that someone should make… WOOKIES!!!

So imagine my surprise and downright thrill, when my sweet Boog showed up on one of our dates in a sexy Wookie skin…. Complete with sound effects! Wookie love, in wookie heaven...

Thank you Boog, you made my wookie dreams come true.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

My Love Does it Good

Once upon a time, a pretty redhead ave was wandering around the sex holes of SL, wearing little more than a full body tattoo and a mood for adventure. Bored and frustrated by her SL relationships, she was becoming equally bored and frustrated by the awkward doughy noob aves and their equally awkward come-ons.

Almost ready to give up and take a lousy offer just to have something to relieve the boredom, a very interesting IM suddenly rang in my tray. Looking around, I connected to the source, and saw before me a furry. A large, male red fox furry, ready for some fun, leering sweetly at me. That was enough to get my interest, because no one in SL had ever managed to leer sweetly.

I suddenly realized that a furry was exactly what I was in the mood for. But there I was in an unfamiliar and somewhat threatening BDSM dungeon, suddenly intrigued by this furry that had fingers of silk, smart, smooth and saying things unlike anything anyone had ever typed to me before.

Checking his profile, I was even more impressed. This was a noob, less than a week old, and yet here was a personality with presence and a smoothness that made even me feel a little awkward, and I was no longer a noob. This sexy furry looked at me, looked around at our surroundings and suggested we go somewhere he knew that was a little kinder and gentler. I quickly agreed. He introduced me that night to a place called Intimate Desires, which has ever since been at the top of my list of favorite places.

The red fox and I enjoyed our time together, and I was quite smitten by his lovely handle on the language of love and roleplay. I had take my leave, and was going away for a week from SL, but asked him, very sincerely to IM me when he saw that I was back.

He did, and through IM and the occasional meeting, a very close and positive friendship began to form. Here was someone that I was clicking with on a very deep level.

Again, he introduced me to a new favorite place, Midsomer Isle, even better than the last place he'd taken me to. Imagine my surprise then, when on a date to go dancing, my sexy male red fox showed up with furry boobs and dancing silks, and a She-male tag over his head. Here was someone that was going to stretch my sense of normality a bit. And I liked that. For isn't that what SL should be?
The relationship between this person, Boog Nishi, and I became more and more intense. It wasn't long before my sweet Boog, as I now thought of him, became a neko, or a catperson in SL. Spending most of his inworld time as a female neko, Boog always changed into a male ave to be with me. He was the kindest, most gentle, most eloquent, and also one of the most insanely fun people I had ever met in SL. I was smitten.

So here I will begin a new chapter in the story of Lorelei Larsson. When I gave part of myself to Boog, suddenly everything changed for the better. Life in SL became a grand new adventure, all over again. We will hear more about the adventures of Lorelei and Boog very soon. Until then....

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Good-bye Good-bye

Since we are on the subject of goodbyes, I need to share another goodbye that I never got to post here, as I didn't want Gnosis to know.

Long ago, as a noob in SL, after meeting Gnosis, but before getting comfy inworld, I was strutting my stuff into the "xcite" store, to buy myself some parts. You see, I had decided, at that point, to do a little work as an escort and had been told that I needed xcite parts to do it. (Part of my goal with Second Life was and is to make my way without spending any of my own RL money, that is an important element in the challenge of it for me).

As I neared the door, I was accosted, literally, by a handsome blond avatar, who was very forward as to what he wanted to do with me. I had some free time and was in an adventurous mood, so after perusing the offerings at "xcite" I accepted Ferd's invitation to his island.

Ferd lives on and island that could be the subject of its own blog, what with all the romance and drama that goes on there. What started as a one-time event in a pirate ship skybox turned into an occasional IM chat and visit. Ferd and I got along well.

Eventually, Ferd asked me to come to his island to make a girlfriend there jealous. I accepted the invitation again, and went with expectations of high drama. This never materialized, but launched a more intense relationship between us.

The thing about me in Second Life is that I have a very dark line drawn between RL and SL. I have no intention of mixing the two. I do not want to bring any relationships from SL into the RL. My life in SL is purely a virtual experience.

Ferd, lovely as he was, and amazing as he was, and rich as he was, couldn't leave my RL out. He constantly wanted more than I was willing to give him. He sent me pics, and I knew all about him. None of this decreased my interest or enjoyment of him. He however, always seemed dissatisfied by my refusal to disclose rl information about myself.

Ultimately, the passion between Ferd and me got heated enough that he gave me a choice: I leave off the rest of my SL relationships and be his full time island girl, or we would no longer have any contact with each other. Sadly, I chose to say goodbye to Ferd. I realized that there is no way I could accomplish the goals I had set for myself in SL while living exclusively on an inworld island with Ferd. I was very involved in my business venture and personal relationship with Gnosis. And I knew full-well how dangerous he was to my RL situation, with his attempts to cross that dark line between the two worlds. So, I said good bye. The power of the sadness I felt after doing this surprised me greatly. There were a couple of RL tears involved, and it took Lorelei days to recover. More learning and enlightenment about how powerful the emotional attachments in SL can become. Here is a shot of Ferd and me as we shared one last special and very sad dance. Goodbye Ferd. I still miss you. But I know we made the right decision. Hope you are doing well.

Gonna Leave This Brokedown Palace

Gnosis and I have had a wonderful time together. Learning and growing in SL, teaching each other things, sharing what we've learned. He and I have had terrific literary discussions, talking about books, inspirations, and the day to day process of writing for a living.

Living in the house that G built was a joy, but was also filled with little frustrations that never got resolved. When you can't set a place as home, and have to log in and out of SL from a public point, you never really get over the feeling of being homeless in that world. G never could or would get it set so I could make the palace he built for "us" my "home".

It also seemed that the communication was fizzling, and we never did anything but work. Yet, when it came to the work I was doing, there was always some obstacle, somethings that needed doing by G first. I resigned myself to this, and focused on my soon to be implemented plan for the park, collecting plants, textures, landscaping items and things to be used in the creation of it, waiting for the time when it was all ready for me to begin. And, all by myself, I created a lovely skybox, far up in the air, to call our own, as a surprise for Gnosis.

I worked with G, walking over the land over and over again, planning and scheming as to what we should turn it into. I explored all over SL searching for inspiration, and I took him to those places, showing him the things that could be done. Yet, after all this, when it finally got to the point that I could actually plant the park, which was to be my main job in the building of it, G wouldn't allow me to do it.

Instead of having a reasonable discussion as to the look he wanted to achieve, he chose to dismiss me with an offhanded remark about how it was to be done. Despite the fact that he SAID he respected my taste and eye for design and color, he suddenly withdrew his support for it. Without warning, he undid hours of my work, with no apology. He decided at the last that I was not going to plant the park, HE was, because he was not willing to relinquish that much control up to me.
That was more than I could take. Even though Gnosis had recently "loaned" me the money to buy a 4000L skin, (he got one too, here we are in our new looks, above) I do not feel indebted to him. I earned those Lindens and every other one he gave me, with the inspiration, the advice, the ideas and the support I gave him.

I am so glad that I ran into an old friend who needed dancers for his new club, because the earning potential that I discovered as a dancer made me realize; I don't need to subject myself to another just in order to survive in SL. I don't have to give up control, and restrain my fingers from typing the things I really want to say, just to keep the peace and my situation intact.

It was time to leave the brokedown palace that Gnosis built. I took what was mine, and I left everything else behind, including the lovely skybox I'd made for him. And still, days later, not a word from him. Not surprising really, I know him well enough to realize his distaste for confrontation and conflict. Some people live their lives, whether it be in the RL or the virtual one, in a totally different way than I can. I can never be as cool and detached as Gnosis seems to be. Nor do I have any desire to be.

I'm very sorry Gnosis, that our plans for the future are gone. I am devastated by the fact that you decided you could do it better without me. I am resigning as "VP" of your group, The Preserve, not because I want to, but because you left me with no other options. I have found that the things I can discover and learn in Second Life, I can do just as well, maybe better, without you. I will miss your dry sense of humor, your intelligence and your good advice on how to accumulate wealth in RL. I am sad that our relationship has to end this way, but there comes a point when the bad outweighs the good, and it has been that way for a while now.

I have enough sadness without having to live it in my virtual world... Second life is my place for happiness. I have found a taste of it and I'm going to go see where it leads me.

Be well Gnosis. I wish you all the best.